Оказалось, два раза была запущена инициализация.
При входе в инфо-пакет - дамп:
Помогло удалить левые записи инициализации в таблицах
ROOSPRMSC and ROOSPRMSF на стороне исходной системы:
OSS is your friend... search for MESSAGE_TYPE_X and RSSM_OLTPSOURCE_SELECTIONS gives you note 852443:
If a MESSAGE_TYPE_X runtime error occurs in the LRSSMU36 include program in the SAPLRSSM ABAP program of the RSSM_OLTPSOURCE_SELECTIONS function module, proceed as described in the solution below.
This dump occurs if you try to open an InfoPackage for a DataSource/source system combination for which an initialization terminated incorrectly and a new INIT with overlapping selections was executed without the delta-administration being cleaned up.
The dump can also occur if you import a system copy/backup into only one of the two BW/OLTP systems without first deleting all delta queues for this BW/OLTP combination because the delta administration is always inconsistent.
A similar dump occurs in
perform "RSM1_CHECK_FOR_DELTAUPD in the LRSS1F11 include if the source system does not recognize any more inits (the roosprmsc and roosprmsf tables are empty) but if there are still entries in the RSSDLINIT/RSSDLINITSEL tables in the BW system.
This is the same as the problem described in Notes 424848 and 591382.
Other terms
Init, delta queue, system copy, backup, initialization, InfoPackage
Reason and Prerequisites
This problem is caused by a program error.
You can implement this correction only for load times from an OLTP system because transaction RSA7 is used for the delta administration/deletion.
For a DataMart, you may have to delete using transaction SE16 or a native SQL.
1. The entries for the initialization in the BW system are contained in the RSSDLINIT table for the DataSource/source system combination. Compare these with the entries in the ROOSPRMSC table in the OLTP system.
2. If there are NO entries in the RSSDLINIT table in BW, use transaction RSA7 to delete the delta queue for this DataSource/BW application combination in the source system (OLTP). For a DataMart source system, manually delete the entries in the ROOSPRMSC and ROOSPRMSF tables for your DataSource using transaction SE16 or a native SQL on the database. A DataMart can be identified by the DataSource that starts with '8', and by the fact that you CANNOT find it in RSA7 of the source system.
3. If the RSSDLINIT table in the BW system already contains entries, check the requests listed there in the RNR column in the monitor (transaction RSRQ). Compare these entries with the entries in the ROOSPRMSF and ROOSPRMSC tables with the INITRNR field. If, in the ROOSPRMSF and ROOSPRMSC tables for your DataSource source system combination, there are more entries with different INITRNR numbers, use transaction RSA7 in an OLTP source system to delete all entries and then use the RSSM_OLTP_INIT_DELTA_UPDATE report mentioned in the next section. For a DataMart source system, delete the entries that you cannot find in the RSSDLINIT table using the procedure described above.
4. Read also Notes 591382 and 424848. The errors described there also occur if you delete entries using transaction RSA7 in the source system but there is no RFC connection to the BW system. In the source system, there are no more entries in the ROOSPRMSC and ROOSPRMSF tables, but in the BW system, there are still entries in the RSSDLINIT and RSSDLINITSEL tables. Execute the RSSM_OLTP_INIT_DELTA_UPDATE report and then delete all init selections in the 'Scheduler/Init selections in the source system' menu in the InfoPackage.
5. When you have completed this procedure, you should be able to create a new InfoPackage or open an InfoPackage.
You can then open the InfoPackage again.
Check that there are no more entries in the
'Scheduler'/'Initialization options for source system' menu
If you do find some entries, delete them.
You can then start a new initialization.
If, despite the first incorrect init, you want to be able to create a second init with overlapping selections, which means that this dump will then occur, enter a detailed description of your procedure in a customer message and send it to Development. SAP has never been able to reproduce this behavior, therefore, a great deal of testing and the option to debug in your system would be required.