вторник, 26 мая 2015 г.

Когда нет прав на удаление таблиц

При удалении таблицы через Утилиты базы данных обойти проверку полномочий можно на строке 100 ФМ DD_DATABASE_UTILITY:

* 1.2  Authority check

  perform authority_check using fct_acheck obj_name obj_type
                         changing r_subrc.
  if r_subrc ne 0.
    message id 'AD' type 'I' number '878' with fct obj_name
    raising authority_check_failed.

понедельник, 25 мая 2015 г.

Перенос иерархии компонентов в BW

На всякий случай продублирую инструкцию:

1. В RSA9 поднимаем иерархию из бизнес-контента.
2. В RSA5 или RSA6 создаём новые узлы, переименовываем старые, переносим узлы в иерархии. Сохраняем изменения.
3. В SE03 (Изменение записей каталога объектов ) переносим объект APCO_MERGED типа DSAA.
4. После переноса на другую систему - тиражируем метаданные.

пятница, 15 мая 2015 г.

Полезные программы и ФМ

Взято отсюда.

Listed below are some of the frequently used ABAP Programs in SAP BW.
Program name

Delete fact table rows where all Key Figure values are zero. See Note 619826.
Activation of InfoCubes
Make InfoCube Copies
Delete InfoCubes
Activation of all ODS Objects with Navigation Attributes
Activation of all ODS Objects
Activation of all InfoObjects
Deletion of InfoObjects
Repair InfoObjects
Reorganization of Texts for InfoObjects
Activating Multiproviders
Make Multiprovider Copies
Deleting Multiproviders
Activate all inactive Communication Structures
Activate Transfer Structure
Activate Update Rules
Activate Hierarchies
Activating and Filling the Aggregates of an InfoCube
Deactivating the Aggregates of an InfoCube
Activating Personalization in Bex(Inactive are highlighted)
Convert Full Requests to Repair Full Requests
Print a List of Cubes in The System and Their Layouts
Create DB Statstics for all InfoCubes
Create Missing E-Fact Tables for InfoCubes and Aggregates
Locate/Remove Unused or Empty partitions of F-Fact Table
Remove Temperory Database Objects
Add, change, delete RSADMIN table entries
A fast way to put some "sample" records in a InfoCube. No need to use Flatfiles,
just enter the value in a ALV-Grid or let fill the Cube with random value.
Convert BasisCube to Transactional Cube and the opposite way around.
Handle change runs; same functionality as the function 'Tools -> Hierarchy/Attribute changes'
Handle change runs; same functionality as the function 'Tools -> Hierarchy/Attribute changes'
RSDG_TRFN_ACTIVATEActivate Transformation and DTP
RSSM_OLTP_INIT_DELTA_UPDATEInit-delta settings written from rssdlinit/sel to OLTP

Listed below are some of the frequently used Function Modules within BW.
Function Module
Description (Function Group RRMX)
Delete BW Workbooks permanently from Roles & Favourites
Get list of all Workbooks
Get list of queries in a workbook
Lists where a query has been used 
Get list of all Jump Targets
Delete Jump Targets
Function Module
Used for Time Conversions.
Convert Foreign Currency to Local Currecny.
Convert Local Currency to Foreign Currency.
Used to convert all texts to UPPERCASE
Used to convert any unit to another unit. (Ref. table : T006)
Used to convert timestamp to local time
Convert 0CALMONTH or 0CALDAY to Financial Year or Period
Generic Extraction via Function Module
Used in Data Transformations to read master data InfoObjects
Used to read Infocube or ODS data through RFC
Returns a number what day of the week the date falls on.
Will return a week that the day is in.
Determine Last Day of the Month.
Used for Date Converstions. We can use in Info Package routines.
To trigger an event in process chain
Returns factory calendar date for a date
Conversion Exit for Domain GBDAT: YYYYMMDD  -> DD/MM/YYYY
Conversion exit ALPHA, external->internal
Upload of meta data from R/3
Deletion of master data
To activate a process chain after transport
ARCHIVFILE_CLIENT_TO_SERVERTransfer a File from an applicatioserver to a client
RSPC_API_CHAIN_STARTApis and Bapis for Process Chains
FACTORYDATE_CONVERT_TO_DATECalendar function: Returns date for a factory calendar date
HOLIDAY_CHECK_AND_GET_INFOPublic holiday check with information 
USEFUL ABAP-CLASS in NW 7 - BI to fix problems with Transformation
For deleting the transformation version from database, helpful if the transformation metadata are corrupted.
For deleting a given rule of transformation


Новый синтаксис, вместо старого CONCATENATE:

      l_var   TYPE string,
type string.

l_var |Any text plus { l_var2 } and any text| && Перенос на строку
    |and more 
any text|.